Buffet clarinet mouthpieces
Buffet clarinet mouthpieces

You can use the holes from the"old" thumb rest. That allows the Etude to be fitted on the instrument at a height, that when you are playing the instrument, the thumb will be opposite the index finger. This is most essential and will ensure that you make good contact with the hook! Choose the row of holes in the mounting slide. It can't be emphasized enough The tip of the thumb has to make good contact with the thumb rest casing(in hollow shaped cavity) It will take only a short time to get accustomed and to make it your"new way of life" When you pull the muscle at the inside of the thumb. The result is a"natural and individual" posture. There are several hidden features to improve the physical strength of the design The use of the Etude invites you into a new way of carrying your instrument! Instead of"hanging in the tendons" The musician will now carry the instrument in an"active" way! The thumb is held higher and is either straight or slightly bent. New features: The Etude2 has a new metal hook covered with soft rubber and a casing with improved ergonomics. And can be used to improve control and speed up paying technique. Much of the energy used for supporting the weight then becomes available for handling the instrument. The lever momentum is much smaller at this point so the thumb can support the weight more easily. The Etude makes it possible to move the pressure point of the thumb rest to the first phalanx of the thumb to the space between the two joints. It gives your a sense control and of a firm"grip" on your instrument. Faster and easier movement of the ring- and little finger and it prevents fatigue of the thumb and hand.

buffet clarinet mouthpieces

Ton Kooiman Etude 3 Thumb Rest The Etude3 is a light weight thumb rest for clarinet and Oboe made out of durable plastics.

Buffet clarinet mouthpieces